Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Friday, September 12, 2008

Fall, Football, Football, Feisty Volleyball & Fun Soccer
Cousin Stewart in action on the soccer field!

Matthew, Carson and Damien taking a break from JV football to enjoy Chase's game

Alex, Alison, Olivia & Carson taking a break from Volleyball and Cheerleading

Go, Olivia! She scored FIVE points in a row during one set.

Chase's first football game of the season!

I think they all ended up wanting their picture taken.

I'll give you one guess what Julia is going to be for Halloween...
Carson gave her his stamp of approval.
Carson's outfit finally came in the mail a week after Julia's. He waited so patiently.

Before we know it, Christmas will be upon us. I guess that's why I went shopping for it last week. YUCK! It is true, the older they get the more expensive their items become. Before we hit Christmas, I guess we need to patiently wait for fall. Being in the deep south has its disadvantages at times. I always get antsy for the fall weather but dread the wet cold weather to follow.

We are back in full swing with football at two different places, volleyball for Olivia and Stewart playing soccer. The kids are doing great with Mother's Day Out and I'm not doing too bad myself. Those five hours seem to go by so fast when you are running around trying to get errands done.

We spent the day in B'ham Tuesday getting Julia re-evaluated with the speech therapist at Dr. Grant's cleft clinic and we met with the OT specialist at the Intl Adoption Clinic in the afternoon. We are starting Julia on a Therapeutic Listening technique that appears to look promising just after the first visit. We will be doing this therapy at home twice a day seven days a week. We are hoping this will help with her anxiety as well as her being so hyper focused. It's so amazing what people can come up with and how very smart they have to be to develop these in depth studies. The brain is an amazing thing. I'm just so thankful that we are so close to UAB and are able to take advantage of their medical staff.


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