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Monday, September 13, 2010

Whatz up in our World??
Studying my subject from afar.
This couldn't be that hard to build for myself.

Look here, Matthew. I can do whatever you can do but a little better AND CHEAPER!

The Three Amigos get a little fruity.

Never a dull moment.
Labor Day - Some went fishing
Some felt the need to cool off with a little bonfire in the firepit (that my boys built).

One just layed back and chilled out.....

with her friend.
Some braved a competitive kickball game.
I think Tim was making the all-star catch or wasting time catching flies (get it? fly ball/flies)
This is Aunt Cindy holding her well-earned tree root.

This is what happens to Mr. Root when it makes Aunt Cindy trip and fall in front of all the teenagers providing them with a gut-busting laugh of the night. We will miss Mr. Root. He has provided many almost mishaps in our family but life is alot safer since his demise.

This is how my kids spend their outside time. I believe Chaning was placing Julia under arrest. No broken femurs, no nosebleeds (this day) only one overreacted itching reaction to wallowing in the grass from Carson. It was a good day.

I just love that Chase is not too old to entertain his younger siblings.

This is her serious shark face.

Target - $27.99 = 1 hour of remaining intact before starting to fall apart + 4 hours of unending mutiny on the bounty~~~~~~Priceless!
Part of the negotiations included free rides.

Chaning thought is was a win/win for her crew.
Dakota is slowly becoming the Captain's pet.
The kids have many forms of recreation outside during these hot temperatures.
And I have mine. I'm still playing with my camera.
I think I'm making a little progress. This neat camera hides all the weeds that are below this beautiful creation God provided us.
Some just stay inside where it is cool. Yes, he is still in his pj's and it's mid-morning.
This one is always dressed and ready to play. Just make sure you don't get in her way. She's got a little bit of a lead foot.
Please note the grass and dirt that it being plucked from my yard by his back tire.
Matthew and his dirt trauma.. I mean bike.
Little Tweetie Bird driving her Jeep. She is now slowly graduating to co-driver of Julia's John Deere Gator. Julia is so patient showing her the in's and out's of handling her green machine.

I know it's been a while since I have updated. My days (sometimes) are starting really early. I try to get up around 5 a.m. and run. It is wonderful to get my day started with a little me time and then to be prepared to awake the crew to get our day started for school. Chaning is now going to school by herself for the past two weeks and is doing absolutely wonderful. She is now starting to use one-word phrases and express herself less with grunts and sighs. I think she has really got her teachers wrapped around her fingers. Her interaction with her classmates is great. I think they are still fascinated by her and are eager to help her learn. Her basic doctors appointments have slowed down. We were told her appt with a surgeon in Ohio would be November or December but received word last week that he had a cancellation in October. She and I will be traveling there for a week of testing and then ending with a consultation of what the future entails.
Everyone here is still adjusting to the new school year and the addition of a sister but things will return to a welcomed comfort level here soon. We are looking forward to fall, weather cooling off and the holiday season that will fast be on us. I hope to be able to update more often but unfortunately it takes time to do this and that is one thing that seems to slip away from me at times. Tomorrow is a new day and one that I plan to embrace with a smile, a deep breath and lots of thankfulness for my family.


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